URGENT: Change of Date – AGM for Peace River Constituency

Due to the extreme cold weather conditions with temperatures around – 40c in the constituency of Peace River today, a decision has been made to delay the AGM until January 9, 2025.  Temperatures this low can be life-threatening and we do not want to put members at risk. 

Details of the meeting in January will remain the same.  The Annual General Meeting for the Peace River Constituency will be now held on January 9, 2025 in two locations:  the Peace Valley Inns, Emerald Room, 9609 101 Street in Peace River and in La Crete at the Mackenzie County Office, 9205 100 Street.  Doors will open at 6:30 PM and the meeting will begin at 7:00 PM. 

An AGM is held to elect the Board of Directors including a President, Secretary, CFO and up to 27 additional directors.  If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors or would like more information, please indicate which position and/or send questions by email to peaceriver@unitedconservative.ca. 

Based on governance rules approved by our membership, neither immediate family members of a sitting MLA or selected candidate, nor individuals registered as an active lobbyist with the Alberta Ethics Commissioner, are eligible to be directors on a constituency association board of directors. If you have questions about your eligibility, please contact 1-888-465-2660 or info@unitedconservative.ca for more

To vote at the meeting you must be an active member of the UCP for a minimum of 21 days (on or before November 27, 2024). You can purchase or renew your membership here. Please make sure your membership is valid so that you are able to vote at the meeting.  Bring  government-issued photo ID along with a document that proves your residency in the constituency, such as a driver’s license with your current address.   

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