- In 2019, Albertans were waiting far too long for the health care they needed. We took immediate action to fix the issues in our health care system. While progress was stalled by the pandemic, the results are now being seen.
- Alberta has the best front-line health care workers in the world, and we have worked hard to have the right supports in place to ensure Albertans get the care they need when and where they need it.
- To address the growing health care needs of Albertans, Health spending has been increased by over $2 billion since 2019
- Agreement in principle for a $24 billion health care deal with Ottawa over 10 years. This includes $2.92 billion for a new bilateral agreement focusing on the shared health care priorities and $233 million through the immediate, one-time Canada Health Transfer top-up to address urgent needs, especially in pediatric hospitals and emergency rooms, and long wait times for surgeries.
Health Care Workforce
- Since 2019 we’ve added 700 physicians and nearly 8,500 staff in AHS including 1,800 RNs and 500 paramedics and 3,700 other frontline staff. This includes 300 more nurses since January 2023
- Ratified a deal with the Alberta Medical Association (AMA). This agreement with its significant investments will provide a path forward to address the challenges the health system is currently facing.
- Ratified deals for frontline health care workers with the United Nurses of Alberta (UNA), Health Sciences Association of Alberta (HSAA) and Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), providing increases after years of 0% under the NDP.
- Nearly $200 million to expand post-secondary health care programs to train more doctors, nurses, and other health care professionals.
- Worked with the regulatory colleges to streamlined credential recognition for Doctors and Nurses.
- $158 million towards a recruitment strategy to get more health professionals in Alberta.
Alberta Surgical Initiative
- Invested $310 million towards the Alberta surgical initiative to increase the number of Albertans receiving surgeries within clinically recommended times.
- Increased surgical capacity means Alberta is now on track eliminate the number of patients waiting outside the clinically recommended wait time within the next year.
- Albertans waiting for hip and knee replacement will have access to 6,000 more publicly funded orthopedic surgeries in Edmonton and Calgary
- Completed approximately 22,500 cancer surgeries, compared to approximately 20,000 in 2018-19, a 12.5 per cent increase.
- Completing more CT and MRI scans resulting in a 23% decrease in the number of Albertans waiting for a CT scan and a 19% decrease in those waiting for an MRI compared to 2019.
- Investing $236.7 million over three years to expand surgical capacity, including $120 million in new funding to add and upgrade operating rooms in 15 communities across the province.
EMS and Emergency Department wait times
- Provided $136 million in new EMS funding to hire more staff and put more ambulances on the road.
- Implemented new EMS patient transfer guidelines at hospitals to allow paramedics and ambulances to get back on the road faster.
- Implementing recommendations made by the Alberta EMS Provincial Advisory Committee and the EMS Dispatch Review Report has drastically cut ambulance wait times.
- Utilizing other transport services for non-emergency patient transfers from Alberta hospitals to free up paramedics and reduce emergency response times.
- These actions directly improved EMS delivery in Alberta and has effectively eliminated EMS code reds
- Investing $15 million over 3 years for new EMS vehicles
- ED wait time to see a doctor has been reduced by 17 per cent due to the hiring of additional frontline staff in our emergency departments
- Opened 36 new transition beds in Edmonton as part of the Bridge Healing Transitional Accommodation Program. These community beds are designed to improve health outcomes for people experiencing homelessness upon discharge from Edmonton hospital emergency departments (EDs).
Primary Care
- Launched the Modernizing Alberta’s Primary Care System (MAPS) initiative in September 2022 to identify immediate and long-term improvements to strengthen Alberta’s primary health care system.
- MAPS included an Indigenous panel, with members from multiple First Nation and Metis communities, to specifically inform how to provide better, more culturally appropriate primary care to Alberta’s Indigenous people.
- Committed $125 million towards implementing the early recommendations from the (MAPS) panel.
- The final MAPS reports are now being reviewed to determine next steps.
- Invested $20 million in Budget 2023 to further support Primary Care Networks.
Continuing Care
- Committed to investing $1 billion over 3 years in funding to help more people receive care in their homes or communities, grow the work force, increase choice for Albertans and improve both quality of care and quality of life.
- Implementing the recommendations made in the Facilities-Based Continuing Care review and the Advancing Palliative and End-of-Life Care report to improve
- Investing $595 million in capital to build new and modernize current continuing care spaces.
- Passed Bill 11, Continuing Care Act establishing clear and consistent authority and oversight for licensing, accommodations, and delivery of publicly funded health care in the continuing care system.
Capital Investments
- $4.2 billion over 3 years committed in budget 2023 for health infrastructure and equipment
- Invested $54 million over 3 years for pediatric acute care capacity at the Calgary Children’s Hospital and Edmonton’s Stollery Children’s Hospital.
- $3 million to further the planning for a new stand alone Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton.
- $634 million over 3 years to continue the work on the new Hospital in South Edmonton.
- $1.8 billion to fund the Red Deer Regional Hospital Expansion and Redevelopment.
- Planning money for hospitals and health centres in Strathcona, North Calgary/Airdrie, Bassano, Cardston and Whitecourt.
- Completion of construction on the new Calgary Cancer Centre and $56 million investment to build a cyclotron facility to enhance cancer treatment in Calgary.
- Opened the New Grande Prairie Regional Hospital.