(May 12, 2023) — Today, Premier Danielle Smith released the following statement, after the release of a news report showing EMS wait times markedly improving since November:
“This is very encouraging news for patients, their families, and the medical system at-large. This means that when Albertans call for life-saving emergency care, EMS are arriving quicker.
“As I’ve said before, our UCP plan to fix Alberta’s health care system is working, and I am confident we will continue to see improvement in all areas of our Health Care Action Plan.
“With the revelation of this news, I strongly encourage Rachel Notley and the NDP to stop lying and fear-mongering to Albertans about medical wait times. The system is improving, and that is good news for all Albertans, regardless of political stripe.
“To Albertans, I say this: I will never stop working to make sure we improve access to public heath care for everyone. We’re just getting started.”