PPGC 2023

Dear Members,

Election Day has passed, and the Party Policy and Governance Committee (PPGC) is now into full swing in preparations for  the Party’s AGM in November.

Members have been focused on the election, support of candidates and attendance at a variety of supporting events leading up to our victory on the 29th of May for the UCP and Premier Danielle Smith.

Meanwhile, the PPGC has been diligently working in the background on your behalf, preparing our official documents for Members’ use during the post-election Policy and Governance submission process.

The Proposal submission timeline is most important for your awareness at this time, and is being extended due to the election to:

June 01 to July 14 – idea submission process open to Members and Resolution preparation by Constituency Associations.

A Member Idea is a proposal, through the PPGC, for the Member’s CA to submit as a formal Resolution of the CA for voting upon at the 2023 UCP AGM.

Submissions have already begun to come forward and other Members and CAs are encouraged to submit their Ideas and Resolutions as early as possible, commencing immediately, in order that we don’t have a “last minute” rush.

The full PPGC Policy and Governance process timeline is outlined below. It will give each of you and your Constituency Associations the opportunity to plan your activities and events leading up to AGM on November 3-4, 2023. Note that this is two weeks later than previously announced.

It is imperative that submitters as well as the PPGC understand how short this submission/review/ranking/reporting period is this year leading up to the 2023 AGM.  As such, please be very observant of the deadlines.

Please also be cautioned that a proposed housekeeping process, acting on a previous Member Resolution, is already tentatively in place to correct minor errors in the Governance Manual.

June 01 to July 14 – Proposal submission process open to Members
May 29, 2023 – Alberta provincial election
June 01, 2023 – Official start of PPGC submission process, post-election
July 14, 2023 – Member Idea submission to PPGC deadline; CA Resolutions continue through to Sep. 01, 2023 deadline
July 15-Aug. 13, 2023 – PPGC review, consolidate Idea proposals, send to CAs and the Member submitters
Aug. 14-Sep. 01, 2023 – CAs collaborate, revise and script submissions
Sep. 01, 2023 – Final submission deadline date for Resolutions
Sep. 04, 2023 – Ranking process begins
Sep. 18, 2023 – Ranking process ends. Ranked Resolutions forwarded to UCP Board for approval. 

Time for forwarding to printer – Plenary Preparation
Oct. 13, 2023 – Notification to Members of the Special Resolutions, 21 days prior to AGM
Nov. 3-4, 2023 – AGM Location: Grey Eagle Resort & Casino, Calgary, Alberta

As a committee, we are pleased to be of service to you, our membership, and look forward to hearing from you.



Best regards,

Ray Strom

VP – Policy and Governance
Party Policy and Governance Committee (PPGC)

Submissions to: rstrom@unitedconservative.ca

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